Welcome: About Virtual Jury
A step ahead. VirtualJury.com uses the latest online methods. VJ is the premier online focus group site for legal cases
Unique Value. VJ is fast, reliable and budget minded. It allows you to evaluate your jury trial in federal and state venues. It is used for civil and criminal cases, for trial and settlement purposes.
Excellence. VJ is based on a powerful protocol and proven algorithm developed over 40 years of conducting jury studies.
Superlawyers, Best Lawyers and Martindale AV Lawyers. Respected colleagues have turned to Dr Robert Gordon and WIN [The Wilmington Institute Network] for their jury science in important cases.
Proven Success Based On Experience. Dr. Gordon and his team have successfully conducted more than 1000 focus groups.
The Method is Simple and Straightforward. Present your case in a memo, with demonstrable evidence or by video streaming. The procedure is user-friendly. Our helpful staff talks you through the process.
The Benefits (TEDI)
- Test the effectiveness of your trial story, themes and presentation.
- Evaluate dollar values for trial and settlement. It's opportunistic.
- Document. Receive a report which clearly sets out your results.
- Inexpensive. A surprisingly cost effective methodology.
Confidential. Case identifying information is not required. Or you can identify the case and we will run a conflicts check.
It's Time Efficient. With the requisite information, we can conduct and report within one week.
Guarantee We guarantee a professionally conducted, online jury study with valuable information for you and your client.
We look forward to working with you.
Robert Gordon, JD, PhD
Research Director